Saturday, December 19, 2009

Can you give me names of some popuplar shampoo companies?

I want my hair to be really soft and silky can you help me with this?Can you give me names of some popuplar shampoo companies?
Believe it or not, most commercial shampoo companies put loads and loads of harmful ingredients into their products. Pantene, for example, has been know to cause dramatic thinning in women's hair. The commercial may say it improves shine and managability but take a look at the ingredients before purchasing.

If you want shiny hair, there is a simple home remedy of sorts that works's called Apple Cider Vinegar. You just mix about two tablespoons of it into a gallon of water. Use as a final rinse in the shower. It also will help your hair become softer. It may not smell the greatest but the smell goes away as your hair dries. Believe me this works wonders!

If you'd like more tips about natural products try these websites. Hope this helped!Can you give me names of some popuplar shampoo companies?
hair %26amp; care

BREck basic----prell----herbal essence----SUAVE---
sunsilk is gud but i wud advise u 2 apply aloe vera on ur hair ,it really helps....
I use Original Source mint%26amp;teatree shampoo and conditioner i prefer it to other brands as they dont test on animals but anyway my hair is really soft and shiny after!
shampoos don't necessarily help. try using egg or beer on your hair. that makes hair irresistably touchable. FLEX conditioners are great after any shampoo.
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