Thursday, January 7, 2010

Which dog shampoo is better, store brand or name brand?

Science Fair Report i gotta know.....Which dog shampoo is better, store brand or name brand?

dog shampoo is a MUST for all dogs. human shampoo has different pH levels and can strip a dog's coat of natural oils!!!

any dog shampoo with an oatmeal base is excellent.

why don't you find a grooming salon in your area to ask questions for your project?Which dog shampoo is better, store brand or name brand?
use human ones, u don't need dog shampoo they're a rip-off and works less effectively
Look on the back of the bottles, most times store brands have same ingredients as name brands, works just as good as name brands. Also in a store you wont find proffessional products, they are alot of times better and have to be purchased from a vet or something.
I use the same professional shampoo that the local dog groomer uses. I use it for myself and the dog. Its called nature's specialties. Its got only natural ingredients. People always used to ask what the groomer uses (I work in the attached kennel) because their dogs coats are so soft and healthy for weeks after being to the groomers, we'd get a dozen inquiries a day about what they use and where to buy it, so I decided to start using the stuff myself.
To be honest, I have always used people shampoo and conditioner. I have always had breeds with long hair and actively showed my dogs.
I like Dvm but I'm not sure how this is helping you with a science project.

I found a web page that says that dog shampoo and people shampoo have a different pH. I suggest that if you want to get a good grade on your project you get samples from people of different dog shampoos and people shampoos, get some litmus paper and check the pH values and prove or disprove that there is a difference.
I use only good quality shampoo for my dogs. Usually an oatmeal based one for dogs.
I think it all depends on the dog. You need to conduct a study to test your hypothesis for the science fair report. An answer isn't enough.

I have used lots of different shampoos and I have to say that I like the yellow Laura Lynn (Ingle's store brand). It really breaks up dirt and gets the dog clean. However its better for short hair dogs because it doesn't do anything to prevent tangles.

I bought a fancy dog shampoo at SuperPets or PetSmart, cant remember which. All I know is that it is baby powder scented, and it makes their long fur so soft and silky, with no tangles. I love it. I had a mango scented shampoo that one dog was fine with, but the other hated it.

It all depends on what you and your dog like.
Good question - I don't know I use Johnson's and Johnson's No More Tears Baby Shampoo for my cocker spaniel.

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